Thursday, October 13, 2005

IIPM, EMI, EBMS, ISI, FBI, CBI, ABC, XYZ...alphabet soup !

Check out this article in this magazine called JAMMAG...some of us are familiar with it 'cos it was a typical students magazine which we came across during our undergrad years in India...this is an "expose" about IIPM.

The editor Rashmi Bansal, started getting hate mail and ridiculous comments/allegations in some newly created blogs, and she wrote an article in her own blog, Youth Curry, about this controversy and the the comments left by some folks on this post...downright ridiculous at times !

Then another blogger, Gaurav Sabnis, put up a link to that on his blog, and then matters got realy ugly, because they started threatening him (with a funny legal notice no less !) and also IBM (where he works) 'cos IIPM threatened to burn all thinkpads that they had ordered from IBM, etc. this point it got real Gaurav decided to resign, so at to not tarnish IBM's reputation.

The battle between free speech folks and IIPM alumni/management/etc. rages on in the blogosphere, as indicated by two very popular Indian blogs, Desi Pundit and India Uncut.

And now, another blogger, Gawker, on his blog titled Renegade of Junk, puts up an interesting article about IIPM and its affiliate partners. You wil be surprised. Of course, this follows a couple of posts that show a satirical side to the whole thing.

No idea where this will end up, but then again strong-arming people who are smart enough to have their own opinions, is in my opinion, not the way to go, especially for an insitute that claims, on its website,
  • IIPM dares to look beyond, and proudly understands that what we teach today, others adopt tomorrow

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