Some quotes from the documentary...
It was the biggest and tallest building ever built in India until that time. It was ten times bigger than anything ever built so far...Astonishing to say the least ! See the entire documentary for more interesting details...
...It was built in of the hardest stones to cut and shape.
More stone was moved than was used to construct the pyramids at Giza ! And the quarry was over 50 miles away, and was moved by river rafts !
Elephants were used to tranport the massive capstone up a six degree ramp, over a mile long !
Original link via Varnam.
ah - my favourite temple in India. My dad grew up around this temple and this temple is really an awesome temple - the architecture, the size, the grandeur - everything is massive.
Of course the maintenance stinks and its getting ruined like most other monuments in India!
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